Before create/update shape
You can intercept the creation or update of any record in the store and return a new record to be used in it place. In this example, we lock shapes to a circle in the center of the screen.
import { Box, Editor, SVGContainer, TLShape, Tldraw, Vec, isShapeId } from 'tldraw'
// This function takes a shape and returns a new shape where the x/y origin is within `radius`
// distance of the center of the page. If the shape is already within `radius` (or isn't parented to
// the page) it returns the same shape.
function constrainShapeToRadius(editor: Editor, shape: TLShape, radius: number) {
// if the shape is parented to another shape (instead of the page) leave it as-is
if (isShapeId(shape.parentId)) return shape
// get the position of the shape
const shapePoint = Vec.From(shape)
const distanceFromCenter = shapePoint.len()
// if the shape is outside the radius, move it to the edge of the radius:
if (distanceFromCenter > radius) {
const newPoint = shapePoint.norm().mul(radius)
return {
x: newPoint.x,
y: newPoint.y,
// otherwise, leave the shape as-is
return shape
export default function BeforeCreateUpdateShapeExample() {
return (
<div className="tldraw__editor">
onMount={(editor) => {
// we can run our `constrainShapeToRadius` function before any shape is created
// or changed. These `sideEffects` handlers let us take modify the shape that
// will be created or updated by returning a new one to be used in its place.
editor.sideEffects.registerBeforeCreateHandler('shape', (shape) => {
return constrainShapeToRadius(editor, shape, 500)
editor.sideEffects.registerBeforeChangeHandler('shape', (prevShape, nextShape) => {
return constrainShapeToRadius(editor, nextShape, 500)
// center the camera on the area we're constraining shapes to
editor.zoomToBounds(new Box(-500, -500, 1000, 1000))
// lock the camera on that area
editor.setCameraOptions({ isLocked: true })
// to make it a little clearer what's going on in this example, we'll draw a
// circle on the canvas showing where shapes are being constrained to.
OnTheCanvas: () => (
<circle cx={0} cy={0} r={500} fill="none" stroke="black" />
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