…with custom user data
This example shows how to integrate your own user data into tldraw sync.
import { useSyncDemo } from '@tldraw/sync'
import { useState } from 'react'
import { TLUserPreferences, Tldraw, useTldrawUser } from 'tldraw'
import 'tldraw/tldraw.css'
export default function SyncCustomUserExample({ roomId }: { roomId: string }) {
// [1]
const [userPreferences, setUserPreferences] = useState<TLUserPreferences>({
id: 'user-' + Math.random(),
name: 'Jimmothy',
color: 'palevioletred',
colorScheme: 'dark',
// [2]
const store = useSyncDemo({ roomId, userInfo: userPreferences })
// [3]
const user = useTldrawUser({ userPreferences, setUserPreferences })
// [4]
return (
<div className="tldraw__editor">
<Tldraw store={store} user={user} deepLinks />
* # Sync Custom User
* This example demonstrates how to use the sync demo server with a custom user.
* You need access to two things to do this integration:
* - The user info
* - A function to set the user info
* In this example we create an in-memory state for the user info, but in your system it's probably synchronized with a backend database somehow.
* 1. We get our user info and a function to set it from a `useState` hook. In your app this might come from a context provider or you might hook it up manually to your backend.
* 2. We use the `useSyncDemo` hook to create the multiplayer store, and pass in the current user state as `userInfo`, which is a subset of the `userPreferences` type.
* 3. We use the `useTLUser` hook to create a TLUser object, which allows the Editor to both read and update the user info and preferences.
* 4. We render the `Tldraw` component with the multiplayer store and the user object.
* You can pass the same `user` object into the `useSync` hook if you're using your own server.
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